Category Archives: Autism Speaks


It is so nice to see so many new readers having a look at my blog. I want to thank Autism Speaks for linking to my last essay. You can also check out my facebook page (idoinautismland) and give it a “like”, and I am also on twitter. I don’t have much to say today other than welcome to my blog, and I will post soon when I have more time.

To My New Readers

Since my speech was on the Autism Speaks webpage I have been receiving so many kind words. It is amazing to hear them. My dream is to release non-verbal people from a life of solitude and being misunderstood. I will write about this when my schedule allows. During the week I have homework after school so please be patient with me.
I am glad you are reading my ideas. I hope you will share them with autistic people too. I would have been helped to know escape was possible when I was younger.
Best wishes,

Shouting from the Mountain Tops at Walk Now

If you are going to be in the Southern California area this Saturday, I will be giving a speech at  Walk Now for Autism Speaks around ten in the morning. I will go up with the Miracle Project Fly singers and they will sing and I will share my ideas.
I am so honored to be included. It is a huge event. So many autism professionals, families, and people. I want the point of view of non-verbal people heard loudly. From the mountain tops and over the oceans I want people to know that not speaking is not the same as not thinking; that poor fine motor is not the same as not thinking; that impulsive actions are different than not understanding right from wrong; that poor facial affect is not the same as having no feelings; that boring people to death is denying them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In my silent years I thought about what I would say to an audience like this if I had the chance. I dreamed of Moses in my mind saying, “Let my people go!” You all know I am a thinker on Moses as I have shown in several essays. It was a thought I had in my internal prison imagining I could be freed by someone. I dreamed of talking, of course.
But I am not free because I talk. I don’t talk. I am free because I can express my ideas in pointing to letters, in typing, in my blog and in my speeches. 
I am not lonely now.