I graduated high school on June 5 with a diploma. My GPA was the fourth highest in my grade. I did it despite being really autistic. I did it though I get tense and even aggressive sometimes. I did it though I can’t speak verbally and communicate by iPad or letter board.
I can’t stop being autistic. It is with me all the time. I’m wired in a peculiar neurological way. Despite this, I thrived, taking AP and Honors classes and doing my work along with my normal peers. The school was great and worked like a team. My teachers were supportive and respectful and I am grateful.
My last year suffered because of a crisis in 1:1 support. This nearly turned me into another person, I was so stressed and overwhelmed by the situation. But I can smile again and I will put it behind me and move on.
Because autism makes us so reliant on our 1:1 support, when it’s strong we can flourish. If it’s not, we can collapse. Now that I have graduated, I will have more power to choose who helps me so I need never be trapped again with a bad match and bad leadership.
Thanks to all my teachers, the school administrators, Adrienne and Anna.
My son Ben has not been so reliant on 1:1 support for the past 30 years since age 13-1/2. I think it is very worthwhile for you and others in your situation to consider alternatives to 1:1 support. If you wish to discuss this issue, please contact me at golden.arthur@gmail.com My son Ben adds: “I agree with my father and I urge you to contact him.”
CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation!! Your story is so inspiring and humbling. Enjoy your summer — onward and upwards!
Great job Ido! You must be so proud of yourself! Can I ask you- what types of different behaviors do you do when you are not matched with the right person? I’m trying to learn why sometimes my son’s behavior can suddenly be so different. He is 7 and goes to The Help Group ! We live near you and I love to read about your life and tell others about how hard you have worked to be able to communicate!
Congratulations Ido! I hope you get to do something fun to celebrate with your close friends and family
Way to go Ido! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments; not only achieving, but exceeding. You give us hope.
Father of 7 yr. old non-verbal, Joseph III.
Congratulations!! My best to you as you take on new adventures and personal growth!
Congratulations Ido! My son Randall just turned 13 and is also nonverbal. He is currently reading your book and responding via letterboard or typing. You and others like you (Dov, Tito, Carly…….) gave me a vision for my son and slowly, day by day we are breaking the bars of silence. He is so happy and so are we. I recommend your book and just bought two more copies for teachers in special education. Keep advocating for those coming behind you. They so desperately need it. I feel so badly sometimes that I treated him like a 3 year old for so many years but thank God we are moving forward and those days are behind us. Best wishes! –Martha
Congratulations Ido! You are a trailblazer for many children growing up behind you. Teachers, clinicians, 1:1 support staff, and parents– everyone is learning from you too.
All of your posts teach me how to better connect with my son and for that I ADORE your truth.
Belated congratulations, Ido!!! And all the very best in the future!
Love the story Ido… and congratulations for your great achievement too!! Support from teacher also seems to take much part, and I hope this story can be inspiration for others dealing with same situation.