Who I Am
I am an autistic guy with a message. I spent the first half of my life completely trapped in silence. The second – on becoming a free soul. I had to fight to get an education but I succeeded, graduating high school with a diploma and a 3.9 GPA. I am continuing my education in college. I communicate by typing on an iPad or a letter board. My first book, Ido inAutismland is an autism diary, telling the story of my symptoms, education, and journey into communication. My second book, In Two Worlds, is a novel. I hope through my work to help other autistic people find a way out of their silence too.
My Books
My newest book is now available in paperback, on Kindle, and on Smashwords!
My first book is available in paperback, Nook, Kindle, and iBook editions!
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My Videos
My NBC Video with Dr. Bruce
Click here to see the article
My Video from the LA TImes
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Hi Ido! I recently discovered your blog and love it. I am a speech therapist who specializes in Autism and I just wanted to say thank you! I know I don’t know you, but I’m deeply sorry you feel looked over sometimes. A lot of my favorite people are non verbal, and I wish so badly that you didn’t have to experience those feelings. I admire so much that you are using your experiences to help others! Please know there are some of us neurotypicals out there who are openminded and are very grateful to you for insights. I admire you more than you know!