Category Archives: blog


It is so nice to see so many new readers having a look at my blog. I want to thank Autism Speaks for linking to my last essay. You can also check out my facebook page (idoinautismland) and give it a “like”, and I am also on twitter. I don’t have much to say today other than welcome to my blog, and I will post soon when I have more time.

Hello Readers

Hi Readers,

Blogging is a new lifestyle for me. I welcome the chance to be heard, but I’d love to hear from you too. Are you parents of autistic kids, family members, professionals, people with autism, or just curious? I’d love to ge feedback.

If you are on facebook, consider becoming a “like” or “fan” to get regular postings. I am shy, really, so it is weird to write to anonymous.
All the best,