I have never met Sami Kadah, nor did I know about him and his poetry exploring his life with autism, until his communication partner, Jeff, wrote to me.
Sami was locked inside with no communication for 23 years and he has been typing for two. It seems he has a lot to say. He says it in poetry form. In his poems, he opens his soul to pour out how autism controls his life. He writes so that each word matters. He is stingy with his words. They each say a lot.
Sami hurts from autism and he is worth reading. Communication changes lives, for sure.
Number 15, by Sami Kadah
I am superstitious.
I am also religious.
I am smart.
I am also an idiot.
I want help.
I am also helpless.
I want to be independent.
I am also incredibly needy.
I am intentionally thoughtful.
I am also unpredictably impulsive.
I am physically affectionate.
I am also agressive and violent.
I am human.
I am also autistic.