
Every day of my life I face a kind of moral dilemma. My autism makes self control very difficult. It takes more effort to sit still in class than to do the intellectual work. I have big personal goals for myself. I prefer to have a full life than a hidden, bored one in some remedial class like most other severely autistic people. It is my mission to help them get an education too. None of this is a dilemma. I am clear on my goals, but I struggle morally with my inner forces. My body is programmed in a different way than typical people. It has internal orders that differ from my mind’s intentions. My struggle to control myself is to be kind to others, thoughtful of the space of others and not disruptive in class. Each day I remind myself to do this because it is the right thing to do in spite of how hard it is to accomplish.

3 responses to “Challenge

  1. Ido, Dillan liked your post, and has a comment. It’s a little choppy, but the message is clear: “Ido, the determination you inspire.”

  2. Ido, your a inspiration. My little brother is Autistic and like you does not speak. This gives me hope that we will hear his voice soon. What IPad app do you use to communicate ? Thank you! Your a angel ! Keep up the good work !

  3. You are impacting the world: keep it up! Work through the difficulties. You must be heard.

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