Getting Back to Normal

Recently I had a challenging episode of autism at its most intense level. I can’t tell you how horrible it was to live in my body during that brief time, and horrible for people to be in my company too. I am sure I was helped by medication that stabilized my system. It is a lifesaver to have it, that’s for sure. It frightened me to have so little control over my emotional regulatory system, but I am getting back to normal. I have to make it up to the people who were near me then because I’m not happy I behaved the way I did. The consequence of this is that I have to try getting more self control during times of stress and change.

3 responses to “Getting Back to Normal

  1. I don’t know if you read the comments left on your facebook page, so I am going to repost them here.

    You have to realize that this happens to everyone. We all have times where we can flip out under great stress and we all have regrets & guilt afterwards. and that is even without the extra challenges of Autism. Please try not to be so hard on yourself – those who love you will understand – just realize you did the best you could at that exact moment in time.

    NO one is or can be perfect. Please remember that what may seem like one small improvement is really a BIG one in our worlds. Also remember no matter what happens, that You are loved just as you are right now! I hope your family tells you that, because I know it’s true here!

    Great Love to you for trying so hard – please be as kind to yourself as you are towards others! ~Sharon


    Which medication You use Ido? Sinceramente when? Is it everyday?

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