Communication Rights Toolkit Launched

Like many of you, I have been home on quarantine. I am fortunate to have good weather and lots of opportunity to walk outside. I realize these isolating circumstances have been tough for many who haven’t lived a lifetime not talking. Lots of people are connecting via the internet. It’s pretty remarkable to see my dad chatting with relatives in multiple countries in international conversations and every one of them is stuck in their home.
These are strange days but my hope is we will be nearing the end soon, life will return to normal soon and that we will be healthy and better prepared internationally should another pandemic emerge.
As many of you know, I am involved with Communication First as a member of the board of directors and they have developed a toolkit for people with communication disabilities in response to the current situation. This is important to provide people who rely on alternative modes of communication to have the same rights of informed consent as any other patient.
Please share these links with those it may benefit, and please stay healthy.

3 responses to “Communication Rights Toolkit Launched

  1. Thank you friend your post made me feel calmer long day in online school
    Missing classmates

  2. Thank you. This information is so good to know.

  3. Hi Ido,
    As usual I look forward to reading your emails. keep up the good work.

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