Thanks Cathy

My friend, Cathy, is leaving me as my aide. I have had many aides in school over the years. I am starting to accept that none stay forever, but I wish Cathy could have stayed for years. In my situation I really need an aide who is intelligent and good at communicating with me. She really assisted me in lasting all day in regular education, in communicating in class, and in doing my work in class. I got more independent as the year went on. It was like a goal I had which she helped me to achieve. Now she moves on in life and I wish her lots of luck in her goals.

Cathy, my wonderful friend, I am fortunate I had your support in school in 8th grade and at home before. Thank you for everything.

One response to “Thanks Cathy

  1. I am impressed and inspired at the fact that you can see not only cathy was important to you and helped you in your growth as an individual. . .but am amazed at the graciousness that you have shown in letting her go on her own path. You really do inspire me as a teacher Ido. Keep on writing this beautiful blog! i share it with my class on a regular basis. many of whom are on the ” spectrum”, and have been inspired as well and have created their own blogs. check out some of their artwork on facebook at artreach at the arc of san francisco.

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