Have you noticed how many new books are coming out by severely autistic, non-verbal people? If you look at my book on Amazon you can see many other books recently published by teens who type. I am glad to see it. Routinely experts claim we are one in a million if we get out of rememdial education and communicate fluently. I think the number is too high. If more and more autistic authors have books we each are less than one in a million, right? Maybe by now it’s 1 in 10,000 or so (Drat, I’m not so special after all, ha ha). Maybe every severely autistic person in the world will have to write a book to end this theory. Since we all express the same message of intact mind and impaired motor control, when will the theories shift to the truth?
Option 1- We are all fake trained monkeys scamming you.
Option 2- We are one in a million (and going down).
Option 3- We don’t have autism. (It’s miraculously cured once we type, lol).
Option 4- The theories are wrong.
If all non-verbal writers have the same message, that is something to consider, isn’t it?
Dear Ido,
it was great seeing you at the Diller Teen Tikkun Awards Luncheon last week. Congratulations on being one of the five California awardees. I’m looking forward to following your progress educating the “experts” and reading your blog.
Steve Raffin, MD
DTO CA Selection Committee Chair
If you just consider the persons with nonverbal autism, you are more than 1 out of 100 that have become fluent communicators. My own 41 year-old son Ben with nonverbal autism became a fluent communicator about 20 years ago and his older friend Mordechai born in Jerusalem about 40 years ago. I believe such potential exists in all persons with nonverbal autism. It often takes a tremendous effort to achieve but it is definitely worth trying for every person with nonverbal autism. How do we work together to help others to try?
I don’t know if you will get this, but my name is Shawn Anderson. I have 4 kids on the spectrum and 1 who is severely affected and mostly non-verbal. For years I have been reading about people like you, Carly Fleishmann, Tito, etc. and have been trying to figure out how to help my daughter. She is 9, and after much effort, we have finally gotten her into a gen ed classroom setting (Waldorf inspired w/ massive 1:1 support and BCBA oversight). Technically she is in 4th, but given the restrictive setting she’s been in up until this point, we have put her in 2nd grade. I am writing in hopes that you and your family would
Be willing to share details of your program and answer some questions. I believe what has helped you could help Tirzah. It’s all about making the program work, isn’t it? Thank you for your time. If you read this, please contact me at Shawn.l.anderson@gmail.com.